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Versatile you can definitely wear it with a complete skin inspection or you can just add it to a sim hello everybody i am angela and this is my channel and today's very exciting because we're going tobe talking about descend trends and fall elementaries i love fall because it's getting chillier outside which means we can add beds to our getups and which means we can get a little bit more creative so i'm going to be sharing with you my favorite trends that ought to have ensure all over the wrong ways but likewise the fragments that you perfectly need to integrate into your cupboard during fall these are all super easy to wear and super comfortable just because you know now we're staying a lot more time indoors i only have a couple of investment pieces but for the most part they're very very affordableso without further ado let's get into it okayso i'm first going to start with the outerwearthen go into transcends posteriors shoes and accessorieslast and the first thing that you need for fallis of course a trench coat merely a classic trenchthese are definitely my goto during drop thisone is from contour de cotonie this one is fromasos um so starting with the one from sovereignty decotonie i really like that it has more of a warmshade and it also has a little bit more detail ithas like this really nice color thing uh so thisis definitely an investment piece that everyoneshould have trench coats are classic and you knowyou can always wear them almost all year roundbecause you can really coating a trench coat witha sweater or you can do a very light one for likewarmer daytimes and then this one from asos i actuallyrecently bought it because i was looking for likea cooler a lighter subtlety that is also a littlebit more fluid candidly only wearing a trench coatyou're always going to look posh no matter whatyou can just do a lily-white tshirt some jeans maybea sweater for fail or um for winter and time adda trench coat a pair of booties and you're goodto go because you're always going to look veryvery nice i is confident that a trench coat is apiece that you can invest in because you're goingto keep it for a really long time okay so next youneed a light-headed coating i have this one that is from acouple of seasons ago and it's from zara it hasmore of a texture it's like a houndstooth textureor very small and then it has like a square uhblue composition here i am thinking a cap like this like along coat it is definitely a super simple acces toelevate an organization i think it's nice to have themin like neutral colours and that realizes it a loteasier to wear with everything that is already onyour closets so this one is definitely a favoriteof pit next we have a trend that i actuallyreally adoration which is leather leather separatesleather heaves leather jacket skin blazers youname it this one is from zara and is their currentcollection i think this is going to be one ofthe cases that you're going to be seeing themost uh it's super ple look to make it exactly alittle bit more like rock chic and it is actuallykind of like a dense skin so it is a littlebit more warm which i was surprised to find outbecause whenever i wear leather in the winter orthe precipitate i'm just always cold but this jacket isactually super thick-skulled it is definitely going tokeep you warm a little bit more super easy tostyle it goes with everything it's black so it'sa nobrainer and you guys know i love blazersso a skin blazer i intend i'm not going to sayno and this blazer actually reminds me a lot ofa jacket my mom used to have when i was in schooland she would put on that cap it was her likeelegant case that she would put on whenwe would go and get our clas reports soit clearly imparts good recalls um and it alsoshows that you know fashion simply continues coming backfashion is a cycle so this is a piece that eventhough it's a trend you obviously can keep it andwear it because it most definitely will come backhis style our last outerwear piece that we have isan oversized blazer in neutral i lovethis one for descent this is sarah men'si actually made a tick tock about the things thati buy at sarah mann because i think that followers tle bit more of like i don't want to say betterquality but i have realized that the textiles thatthey use for the blazers of the man collectionare kind of a little bit better than what they usefor the woman collection and i'm not sure why um idon't know but anyways i just really like this oneit has also only a tiny bit of a shoulder padthat is going to give more structure to thelook it's going to be super easy to wear it'salso super easy to layer this one is definitelya full basic for me and not even full just likea yearround basic as you can see this one hasa little bit of a quality and it clearly looksvery slick and very high quality then i have thesetwo tops that i actually love because i'm veryinto like the minimal posh glance and these areboth super nice for this one i really love thatit's going to inhale the clavicle and i love thelittle straps are super thin it is a little bitmore bodycon so it is going to be more fittingto your organization and then we have this body from zarathat i really like that it has this little detailaround the breast because i think it contributes kindof like a corset vibe without being one and itis also super tight so it is going to be morefigure hugging and it is also going to be warmerbecause you know it is knit and it is closerto your skin this one i'm going to be wearinga lot really because it's a grey form like you canliterally pair with everything and it's going tolook super sleek extremely very clean very elegantand classy so this one is a full basic for me andthen we have which i think is one of the biggesttrends this sink which is a sleeveless sweaterit is kind of like a knitted best and i kind ofsurprised myself because i used to think thatneeded best for just for like you know teachersbut if you know how to style them and you knowhow to like wear them appropriately it's going tolook super fashionable i too espoused one that hasa vneck time because i really want to wear thisone with my collar shirts and "were having" my person'sfavorite which is statement pigments these are bothvery very nice these are both from zara and theyhave really super cool gunny stimulated colorsum i actually really like that the blue one hasa little bit of a puffy sleeve and i love thisone with the lily-white coloring it kind of gives mesouth of france vibes i don't know why theseare ones that i'm definitely going to wear withmy tied vest just so that i can showcase thebeautiful emblazons i think it seeks super super chiclike a little bit of an innocent suggestion and likea little bit of an luxurious way like old-time timeyand vintage i don't know i really really like bothof these shirts so you should definitely consideradding some announcement emblazons to your dusk wardrobenext we're going to do soles and i actually justgot these from zara i was looking for more of likea dark move but i'm personally not a fan of like asuper glowing moisten or a super darknes watch so i justwent with the middle one this is a mom jean it isi wasted i prefer high-pitched waisted jeans at the momentjust because it helps cinch the waist and apply alittle bit more of a delightful more feminine silhouettein my opinion i like to dress it up dress it downand it gapes precisely awfully informal classy so these onesare a must next we have leather bottom so as i wassaying leather is a huge thing for this fall so iactually got these breathes that entered into with the blazerleather pants are basic for any cold season ifyou know how to style them you can definitely makethem ogle casual or maybe a little bit more rockbut they're going to be very very cool to styleand then i too have these skin bermudasthat are super super chic it's also going tobe super nice to wear with the blazer and evena trench coat like this is why i really love towear neutral colourings because anything in that rackcan be worn with each other that's why i prefer tojust keep it neutral keep it to black keep it veryclassic so that you get the most outfits out of itokay so now moving on to knits because obviouslyit is full so what would be full without anysweaters or any needs and i actually got this setfrom zarella it is a threepiece determine it is supersuper comfy and it is just everything that i wantto wear during tumble because i am the same insideso a regulate like this which is just super super warmand awfully very cozy it's just perfect you know tojust work from home and just stay warm and if youjust want to go out maybe put on some long bootsand a very warm hair and you're good to go uh idefinitely like that it has a texture theskirt is highwaisted and it is also a littlebit longer so i really like that because it isgoing to cover more of the legs so kind of like anice loungewear adjust it's a must for descent and thelast attire component that i think i'm going towear awfully very often is these knit dress fromzorella bodycon knitted full-dress are a huge trendthat i seam all over the runways i also picture myselfwearing this one with like an oversized blazerjust to give it a more chic vibe this one alsohas like this detail on the side so if you wantto have it be longer you can definitely undo thesides and have it be longer i really like the lookof like long knitted dress with high knee bootsi think it's super chic and it's definitely a fulllook that i'm going to try and now for the shoesand supplements i only have three duets and oneaccessory because i think actually precipitate it's justboots so anything that you already have you knowsneakers or ends or substance like that obviouslyyou already have but for fall what you need areboots the biggest boot trend that i see comingfor   2020 is a chunky pair of boots this we have tothank bottega veneta for and i actually was veryhesitant when these trends started last year and idid not buy them last year because i don't know ididn't witnes myself as a girl that would wear thesetypes of boots but i actually changed my mind andi think they look super super cool and i thinkthese are going to be my most tattered duo of putsa fall but these boots are definitely a trend soi did not go and invest a whole assortment of fund sothese are a great alternative to the wategaminetaones they're from nastygum and they lookvery similar for a fraction of the price which wealways love to see so um yeah these are definitelygoing to be super fashionable and you're going tobe seeing them everywhere so if you can only getone pair of shoes for precipitate 2020 it's definitelya chunky pair of boots next up we have a pairof kneehigh boots here i am thinking these ones aredefinitely a statement piece because of the colorbut i just wanted to have a little bit more funbecause all of my shoes are black or brown orwhite so i just wanted to add a pop of complexion andthese actually have a super nice crack texture youremind me a little bit of the yeezy pear or thejimmy shoe duo um but again these are from simishoes and last for shoes we have my favorite  i'm really really loving it they kind of lookintimidating at first and you're like cow highboots but then you actually time fall in love andyou want to wear them every day which is happeningto me right now and they're super comfortable andthey instantly open a lot more interest to a lookthey make it more fashionable and they instantlyelevate it so i love these ones and last butnot least for fall is this little handbag thatis obviously bottega manitoba caused we've allseen it all over instagram um i'm actually notmuch of a handbag girl i'm more of a shoe girlbut i actually really like exclusively this bagbecause it has a chain to wear it as a shoulderbag but you can also tie the order away and justwear it as you know the little dumpling motegamerbag and i actually love this coloring i thinkit's the perfect perfect neutral the quality issuper super soft looks very very high qualitythis one is from asos and i think it's justgoing to be my everyday bag during autumn becauseit only searches so classy and fashionable so thisone is definitely a full basic that i recommendokay so that's it for this video i reallyhope you guys liked it i really hope you foundmaybe some segments that you love to integrate intoyour full attire let me know if there are somevideos that you would like to see follow me onsocial media this is my ig and my ticking tock it'sthe same regardless thank you very much so much better for watchingi appreciate you and let me know if there areanything that you would like to see in my channelum and yeah have a wonderful fall if you have anyquestions or something that you would like totalk to me about clearly transport me a dm becausei always reaction i love talking to you guys so goahead and cast me a dm uh give this video a likeif you noted it supportive or useful or entertainingand agree i will see you guys exceedingly very soon foreign 


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